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eldorado work in i2p?

Posted: 19 Aug 2019 05:54
by imstanz
I've been looking for alternatives to phpbb & syndie.
Installing eldorado is painful for this newbie...that knows nothing about ruby, rails or gems!
To many errors, while trying to install...
A how-to would be nice - but found nothing in 2 days of searching.

Anyone got it running?? or Is it not worth the trouble!!?
It be nice to have a forum on my eepsite!

Re: eldorado work in i2p?

Posted: 19 Aug 2019 06:40
by echelon

just set it up as it is working in clearnet.
If it works with clearnet, create a I2P http server tunnl pointing to the IP:port of it. And close down the clearnet access via a firewall (if wanted).


Re: eldorado work in i2p?

Posted: 11 Sep 2019 02:02
by imstanz
Hello echelon...
I never got to setup eldorado. To many errors from my debian9 system.
I'm asked to install allot of packages, including - ruby, rails -- which I've only heard about --
but have NO clue about all their dependencies and other pkgs, that I'm asked to install!

OR don't NEED to install!...hence, looking for the "HowTo"...

Just like having NO clue about Java or it's requirements needed for i2p itself!!!
Do I really need to have 100MBs of Java stuff to run i2p??

Sorry for the rant...I'm a new i2p user, learning as I go...wanting to "use" i2p - fully!!
Thanks for your response echelon...I will give the eldorado install another try. :)

Re: eldorado work in i2p?

Posted: 13 Sep 2019 05:38
by imstanz
Well, I tried the install process again -- with same errors, after installing more pkgs.
Searched for ruby errors -- gem errors...nothing helped, or is close to this type of install.

I got success with:
~/eldorado$ sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.9
Installed and with docs.
1 gem installed
Thats it.....
(sudo) $ rake gems:install
rake aborted!
LoadError: cannot load such file -- rake/rdoctask
/home/*/eldorado/Rakefile:8:in `<top (required)>'

All those installed pkgs...and nothing to show for it!! I thought zzz was using this too!?
Anyone know of other useful sites to search for info??