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ARM32: first glimpse at OpenJDK 11

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:14
by jogger
Had a short look today on one of my Armbian Stretch systems.

They claim to have resolved arm32 specific bugs since OpenJDK 10.

Builds with gcc only with compiler warnings even im ARM-specific code. Does not build with clang.

Slow build: Excessive swapping with make jobs > 1 with 2 GB RAM. (with 9 and 10 up to 5 jobs were no problem).

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC still works, but deprecated as before. Needed to tame memory usage when running i2p.

Will now wait for the final release and then test with i2p. If it works, will try the other gargabe collectors available by default.