Percentage downloaded is less than sum of uploads

Issues and ideas about I2PSnark
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Percentage downloaded is less than sum of uploads

Post by anikey »

The situation goes like this (noticed twice):

There are two seeders in total, i have access to them. (One qbittorrent, and one i2p snark)
There appears a downloader using I2PSnark.

After some time, i sum the amount of bytes uploaded on the two seeds, and get value A.
Then i calculate the amount downloaded by the downloader, based on the percentage shown (formula: Torrent_Total_Size * Percentage / 100), and get value B.

On two separate times, i noticed that value A is much bigger than the value B (almost twice as much, i think).

What could this be? Could i2p snark be requesting the same pieces from two seeds simultaneously, and then throwing away one of them?
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Re: Percentage downloaded is less than sum of uploads

Post by lgillis »

Another way of looking at it.
Assuming your clients are using the same router, which I don't know.
The downloader asks for piece 42 from the torrent.
Your router receives the request and forwards it to client #1 and client #2.
The router is not a switch. No. 1 and No. 2 do not coordinate with each other and both send piece 42.
But I'm just guessing here.
Luther H. Gillis · Private Investigator · Discreet & Confidential
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Re: Percentage downloaded is less than sum of uploads

Post by anikey »

1. the seeds are on different routers

2. the i2p does not work like that, otherwise that'd be a big flaw (since different destinations are supposed to be isolated)
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Re: Percentage downloaded is less than sum of uploads

Post by anikey »

I think i'm noticing this again.
There is an i2psnark downloader.
I have 2 uploaders, i2psnark and qbittorrent. There are no other uploaders.

The downloader reports 1.9% progress (as seen on my i2psnark uploader).
My i2psnark uploader says it's uploaded (translated into %) 1.1%.
But when I add qbittorrent's upload to that, it becomes about 5%.
So, more than one half of the traffic gone somewhere.
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