Page 1 of 1 users please use HTTPS on both clearnet and I2P

Posted: 13 Jan 2024 15:52
by eyedeekay
PSA: and git.idk.i2p now **require** HTTPS to log in on **both** the I2P side and the clearnet side, due to gitlab's fairly extensive use of WebSockets and other modern browser features that get really weird when you try and mix TLS and Non-TLS versions. If you try to use the HTTP version, you will be redirected to the HTTPS version. This is normal. You will need to accept the self-signed certificate for the `.i2p` hostname.

Additionally, clearnet is currently incompatible with I2P in Private Browsing. If you are an I2PIPB user and also an user, please use the git.idk.i2p gateway only as it is compatible with I2PIPB.