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devuan/debian pass the entire system in i2p

Posted: 12 Apr 2023 17:54
by orfX
Hello all.
How to configure the entire system to pass by i2p? (for info my system passes elsewhere than on i2p as well)

In GNU, there is a file that allows to define the variables around. It is located in /etc and it is called environment. But there is another file if the first one is not enough.It is located in /etc/ and it is called bash.bashrc and profile.

7 file to edit! /etc/environment; /etc/profile; /etc/bash.bashrc; /root/.profile; /root/.bashrc; /home/user/.profile; /home/user/.bashrc

the technic is to use Privoxy.
sudo apt install privoxy
1) in /etc/privoxy edit the file "config" and add the line: "forward /". Http and https pass in privoxy. OK.
2) modify /etc/environment and add this:

Save and leave.

For over file (in root not sudo)
cat /etc/environment >> /etc/profile
cat /etc/environment >> /etc/bash.bashrc
cat /etc/environment >> /root/.profile
cat /etc/environment >> /root/.bashrc
exit root session and with user account write:
cat /etc/environment >> /home/user/.bashrc
cat /etc/environment >> /home/user/.profile
For apt create a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ named "40proxy" and add:

Acquire::http::proxy "";
Acquire::https::proxy "";

For my dns it is different because my system in (1) pass in a VPN for the vpn to see nothing he goes by lokinet-vpn (onion routing) and for up anonymity in end he goes by i2p.
My dns is configured with dnscrypt-proxy. My request pass in dnscrypt-proxy and encrypted.
It is slow but very anonym!

on android privacy and anonymity is a dream but you can still have some with software "invisible pro" in the software you have "dnscrypt-proxy" "i2p" and "tor". You can put it in mode "root" "vpn" download on Fdroid not on google shit. A firewall is in the software but i prefer to use afwall+ because my phone is rooted. My wifi mac adress is modified with termux with tsu and nano. The file for wifi mac adress is in the /efs partition in folder wifi. It is an hidden file called .macinfo. Shutdown the wifi and modify this file and up your wifi, your ip as changed because you have modified mac adress ;-)

i still have a lot of technique his won't hold in a single message! I think I write a pdf to share my knowledge and put it in torrent free sharing

translate with LibreTranslate. Thanks. Bye o/

Re: devuan/debian pass the entire system in i2p

Posted: 13 Apr 2023 09:54
by lgillis
Using I2P as the parent proxy in Privoxy could be taken a step further. This would also force those programs to use Privoxy that choose to ignore or cheat their way past the proxy. Usually, Linux's built-in firewall can take care of this by directing the ports' Internet traffic (HTTP/HTTPS) to Privoxy.
To check the configuration for holes you can turn off the DNS server you are using. Because the resolution of the names is already done by the parent proxy. You should also make sure that the resolver does not use any other DNS resolvers, such as the provider's DNS resolver (/etc/resolv.conf).

Re: devuan/debian pass the entire system in i2p

Posted: 13 Apr 2023 10:19
by orfX
i don't use systemd so no systemd-resolved. then in the Network-Manager config I added dns=none
for resolv.conf it does not move because I added a chattr +i flags on it with a script that is in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks/ called nodnsupdate

The resolv.conf points to the dnscrypt-proxy server on nameserver with some modifications in the dnscrypt-proxy configuration

force_tcp = true
http_proxy = ''
which makes dns queries pass in privoxy.

in the dhclient.conf file i wrote prepend domain-name-servers;
I have blocked my dns isp ip with the /etc/hosts file