I2P 2.2.1 Released

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I2P 2.2.1 Released

Post by eyedeekay »

NOTICE: This point release will be delayed by one week due to a newly discovered dependency issue in Ubuntu Lunar. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change of schedule. For more information, see http://git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/394

Java I2P will be deploying a point release(2.2.1) in the coming weeks. In many ways, 2.2.0 was handled as an emergency release, due to the ongoing DDoS attacks we checked in some defenses at the last minute, requiring the team to hurry the release. Communication was poor at this time, and with release 2.2.1, we will be returning to a more normal pattern for releases. The list of changes for this release will be very short, but will include several essential fixes.

Changes list for 2.2.1
  • Fix missing Java options in docker/rootfs/startapp.sh
  • Detect when running in Podman instead of regular Docker
  • Update Tor Browser User-Agent String
  • Update local GeoIP database
  • Remove invalid signing keys from old installs
  • Update Tomcat version in Ubuntu Lunar
I will be freezing strings on Friday the seventh of April(4/7/2023) at 4PM UTC. I'll start building packages on the following Wednesday.

Please help by reviewing, testing and reporting your issues, here, on i2pgit.org, or on github.com.
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