I'm running I2P Router version: 2.6.0-0
Using Firefox, when I go to the Hidden Services Manager page the full page is not rendered. I see some I2P Hidden Services but the I2P Client Tunnels are not shown. I have to use lynx to view these.
Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?
I2P Router Console Rendering Partial HTML Pages
Re: I2P Router Console Rendering Partial HTML Pages
See this forum post: viewtopic.php?p=3154. Also this: http://zzz.i2p/topics/3651-2-6-0-hidden ... anager-bug.
Basically, wait until August 8th for a fix to arrive. Until then, you can use any of the following workarounds:
Basically, wait until August 8th for a fix to arrive. Until then, you can use any of the following workarounds:
1) disable javascript
2) go to /i2ptunnel instead of /i2ptunnelmgr
3) click 'open in new tab' link (square with arrow) in upper right
Re: I2P Router Console Rendering Partial HTML Pages
Thanks for the info.