Inconvenience with temporary and permanent client tunnel settings

I2P router issues
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Inconvenience with temporary and permanent client tunnel settings

Post by m7A5uS9 »

Out of this: viewtopic.php?t=1256 topic, I bring a suggestion.

In the web console there are temporary and permanent client tunnel settings. The "temporary" allows to set quantity of inbound and outbound up to 6, and the "permanent" is just up to 3.
I suggest raising the "permanent" settings maximum values to match the "temporary" ones.

When set "temporary" quantity to 6, after a some time i2p router will reset it to match the "permanent" setting. But "permanent" setting cannot be set to 6, making inconvenience for users who want to run 6 tunnels.
Last edited by m7A5uS9 on 11 May 2024 08:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Inconvenience with temporary and permanent client tunnel settings

Post by anikey »


Where did you see the limit of 3 (on permanent settings)?

I see, in java i2p, i can set it up to 16 right here: http://localhost:7657/i2ptunnelmgr, then select the necessary tunnel, and open the Tunnel Quantity Options. Although this has its own problem: i can't set different amounts for outbound and inbound tunnels. In the same section, i can see the limit you mentioned, but for backup tunnels only.

In temporary settings (http://localhost:7657/configtunnels) i can also set length up to 16.

However I also have

Code: Select all

in this page: http://localhost:7657/configadvanced. Maybe such a setting will remove the limits you mention? (i'm just guessing here). Try it.

P.S. i don't recommend posting links without removing the 'sid' url parameter.
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Re: Inconvenience with temporary and permanent client tunnel settings

Post by m7A5uS9 »

Whoa, godmode!?
Yes, that's right, "routerconsole.advanced=true" raised max values for tunnel lengths and quantities in both temporary and permanent settings. Without it (and without messing with tunnel config files) lengths capped by 4 and quantities by 3.
However, I keep on my suggestion, as in normal mode described inconvenience takes place affecting users not knowing about godmode.

P.S. Damn I had a thought that this link is weirdly long!
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Re: Inconvenience with temporary and permanent client tunnel settings

Post by zzz »

The temporary vs permanent thing is because the router is not in charge of client tunnel settings... the client is.

Where the "client" is i2psnark, or the hidden services manager, or SAM, or ...

So the client tells the router what the settings are, and can change them later at any time (for example, i2psnark changes the setting dynamically based on number of peers).

So that's why on /configtunnels in the console we call them temporary, because they only last until the client changes them, or until a restart.
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