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New speed record

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:28
by i2pdude
I am running BiglyBT on top of my I2Speed server with the multiple connection feature enabled seeding some multi-GB torrents. I have a leecher out there also using BiglyBT with the multiple connection feature. This single peer runs 8 parallel connections to my server and maintains >150 KBps long term download speed. Top speeds >500 KBps.

Re: New speed record

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 14:26
by echelon

Those are not new records, seen 900 kb/sec already on my nodes with plain java I2P router.
And 8 client connection from the same peer to the same torrent is not a really secure usecase.
Btw, I do not trust i2pspeed dev work, as I do not trust the "lets have speed and do not take much care about security and anonymity" way of coding.
I2P is not meant to do torrent in big, fast ways. Other tools do work far better in this area.
I2P is meant to publish data secure and anonymous in way dangerous areas for e.g. whistleblowers and people who fear several supressions if they publish that data.
It is just more or less good luck for torrent to work fairly well in this network.
Btw2: luckily I2P does set a router by default, its a fine split between taken and given bandwidth and much more important: open connections. Currently it is a nice way for I2P to offer its service with the torrent users. But we also did have time in which torrent users nearly kill the network due to massive usage of torrents in I2P.


Re: New speed record

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:58
by i2pdude
I think there is nothing wrong with torrenting over i2p. Only few of my 4000 tunnels occupy substantial bandwidth. And those interested in torrenting contribute to the network by running 24/7 on sufficient bandwidth.

If someone sits there with WireShark directly on my line and knows the code he might be able to guess what applications or i2p mod or settings I use. But thats it, nothing to distinguish remotly. I take the advantages of I2Speed, they even enable stronger encrytion for certain machines. If you claim that security is compromised please point to the detail.

Re: New speed record

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 14:19
by quark
Here is a quote from the i2p project eepsite, "I2P is an anonymous network, exposing a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other. " Here is another quote from the same eepsite "The I2P network provides strong privacy protections for communication over the Internet. Many activities that would risk your privacy on the public Internet can be conducted anonymously inside I2P. "

No where do these statement say that i2p is a bit torrent application. I2p's mission is clearly stated here. I feel what you are looking for is a bit torrent application. Although, you can accomplish many tasks using i2p, it is by no means intended to be a torrent, blog, forum, email, or any other application.

I suggest not using or advertising i2p as part of i2p speed because it is misleading. If as you stated, speed is your focus. True i2pers will agree that our mission statements noted above are what we are focused on, not speed.

P.S. by the way i have achieved 1 to 5MByte/second speeds using i2p not i2p speed. :D

Re: New speed record

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 19:09
by lgillis
The mission is anything but clearly formulated. Just because someone would like it to be that way, or writes his or her association with I2P succinctly in two sentences on a website, does not mean that these opinions are true, or that someone else must adhere to them. You should take the trouble to go back to the beginning of the story. Then you'll soon find that the original inventors didn't care about political precision in that respect. Instead, their aspiration was on the technical aspect. They were able to fit the little political aspect into just one sentence: "InvisibleNet has formed the Invisible Internet Project (I2P) to support the efforts of those trying to build a more free society by offering them an uncensorable, anonymous, and secure communication system.".

This is so vaguely and meaninglessly formulated that all current associations with software and the Net will turn out to be wishful thinking because they have failed to explain their understanding of a freer society. A software like this can only be used in a free environment, where free stands for the constitutional state. And so it is that this software is used mainly in countries where personal freedom is already a high value.

The publication of data is not necessarily good, even though it may have positive associations. The question should be, which data should be published and which should not. Most people will agree at this point that it should only be data about other people, preferably strangers. The own secrets or the own work, which should secure the livelihood, one does not want to find here publicly. Where is the democratic control over those who want to use free communication for the purpose of the right of the strongest? Who protects the participants from the fact that exactly this software can contribute to endangering their own freedom? As you can see, nothing has been clearly fixed and no safeguards against abuse have been put in place, instead democracy has been undermined. What the inventors of I2P obviously expected is that people would abide by the laws that suit their particular situation. So if you want to make BitTorrent, you have every freedom to do so.

Re: New speed record

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 21:07
by quark

Thank you so much for your post. I found it very educational. But you have made this so complicated and political,just plain out of context.

A mission statement is just that a statement that states the mission of any project. This is very clearly stated in my previous post. The dev team sticks to this purpose and that is it. For example, the DDos attacks on eepsites on the network. They will not be mitigated in a manner in which jeopardizes the prime directive of i2p mission or purpose. That would be counter intuitive.

But if you think that false advertising is good business, then I must disagree. If you put i2p in front of anything, then you must adhere to the i2p purpose. I am not saying that the name of i2pspeed should change, I am saying that it is misleading and users that are looking for the function of the i2p network should BEWARE. ;)